The Berkshire Villas Homes Association (BVHA, or Villas Association) consists of 58 member/homeowners within the Berkshire Villas neighborhood in Leawood, Kansas. Members of the Villas Association pay annual 2025 dues of $2,353.00 to the Villas Association to make the Villas a maintenance provided community. That Villa Association provided maintenance that includes: 1) lawn, shrub, and ornamental tree care, 2) Villa Ash Street Tree maintenance, 3) snow removal, and 4) yard light maintenance. Please refer to the Maintenance Provided Services page for details of what is provided. Berkshire Villas Homes Association residents are also members of the Berkshire Homes Association (BHA or Homes Association) and pay annual dues of $1350.00 as do the other 166 residents within the Berkshire Homes Association. The Homes Association dues go to: 1) trash removal, 2) glass recycling, 3) common area maintenance, and 4) pool, tennis court, and clubhouse maintenance and usage. The total number of member/homeowners in the Master Berkshire Homes Association (including the 58 Villa homeowners) is 224. The Berkshire Homes Association has its own Board with 9 Board Members including 3 representatives from the Villas, and is managed by Home Association Solutions (HAS). HAS can be reached at 913-825-0001 for answers to any questions concerning the Homes Association.
How to Navigate This Website: This website is operated by HOA Express and is easy to navigate. The contents of this website are contained in the items called "Pages" on the left side of each website screen and as you can see on the left side of this screen. By clicking on the Pages one may review the entire contents of this website including the Calendar, the Directory of Residents, the Meeting Notices and Agendas, the Minutes, the Financial Information, the Governing Documents, the Architectural Changes Request Form, the Newsletter, the Forum, etc.. An Automated Email Update is sent to each registered resident every Monday by HOA Express which gives notice of new articles, documents, upcoming meetings, and events that have been added to the website. Alerts are sent to each registered resident by an Email Blast as needed concerning urgent events and issues. If you are not receiving the Email Blasts or the Automated Email Updates, make sure those emails are not being blocked by your browser and that you have entered your current email address correctly and if this email address is still current when you joined the website. For security reasons, only member/residents may make changes to their contact information on the website so please review and keep that information up to date by: 1) clicking on the down arrow next to your name in the upper right hand corner of any website page and 1) choose Member Settings, then make changes as needed, then 2) click on Account Settings, then review and make changes there as needed. The Automated Weekly Update may not give all the information about upcoming events, so please refer to the website Calendar and click on the event for full details.
The Berkshire Homes Association has its own website which is known as eNeighbors. Villa residents are encouraged to sign up for both websites in order to be fully informed about what is going on in both associations and in the greater Berkshire neighborhood. To sign up for the Homes Association's website, go to, choose Berkshire Homes Association in Leawood, Kansas, and follow the online instructions. Please choose "all" on the drop down on the homepage to receive email updates on all items recently posted to that website. Please contact Home Association Solutions at 913-825-0001 if you need help signing up or with any other questions concerning the Berkshire Homes Association and its website.
The Berkshire Villas Homes Association Board
Jim Dickson- President/ACC Chair
Ned Gross - Vice President and Legal/Governance Committee Chairman
Doug Dixon-Legal
Pete Tatman - Ash Tree Committee Chairman and Constant Care Representative
Linda Peterson-Treasurer